nation and society by establishing ethical corporate
culture through transparent management
and continuous innovation.
Prioritize customer satisfaction
and trust as our foremost values.

Dedicate to elevating the value of
shareholders' equity.

Contribute to robust development of the nation
and society and to environmental conservation.

and Partners
Respect the principles of free competition to take the lead in fostering equitable and sound development of the industry. Pursue collaborative development with our partners based on mutual trust.

Respect human dignity of each member of our company and strive to improve their quality of life.

PS Tec. Co., Ltd. Charter of Humang Rights Management
We will strive to establish a trusted company prioritizing safety and customer satisfaction under the mission
of "Human Rights Management that puts People First" through the efficient management of PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
In pursuit of this mission, we hereby declare the "PS Tec Co., Ltd. Charter of Human Rights Management," prioritizing
respect for humanistic values in our management activities and fostering a corporate culture of respect for human rights.
- We will respect international standards and norms concerning human rights, such as the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and prioritize people in all our business activities.
- We will not discriminate against any stakeholders, including employees, on the basis of gender, religion, disability, age, social status, or region of origin.
- We will guarantee the freedom of association and collective bargaining for our employees.
- We will prohibit all forms of forced labor and strive to create a free working environment for our employees.
- We will not allow child labor in any form or for any reason.
- We will ensure that our workers work in a safe and hygienic environment and strive to protect the their health.
- We will strive for mutual growth with our partners and support them in practicing human rights management.
- We will endeavor to prevent the infringement of any citizen's human rights in our management activities and to prevent harms to the health and safety of the public
- We will strive to protect the environment and prevent environmental disasters. We commit to protecting the human rights of all stakeholders, including our employees, and to do our utmost to establish and spread human rights management.
Ethical Management Consultation and Reporting
PS Tec operates channels for stakeholders, including employees, partners, and customers, to freely consult and report on issues regarding the company's ethical management.
- 01Acts of Bribery
- Monetary rewards, treats/entertainment, conveniences, borrowing, debt redemption, joint surety, cash loan, and any guarantee for the future
- 02Unfair Equity Participation in Partner Companies
- Taking shares, investment, joint investment and acquiring common proprerties
- 03Lack of Transparancy in the Selection of Partner Companies
- Providing unfair opportunities, unfair transactions, and leakage of supplier information
- 04Illegal/Unjust Use of Company Assets
- Using tangible/intangible assets for impropoer purposes, embezzlement, and misappropriation
- 05Document Manipulation and False Report
- Account fraud, information fabrication
- 06Others
- Delinquency of duties, improper management, exceeding one's authority, injury to dignity, etc.
Operation of Report
We will promptly and accurately handle reports that violate compliance/ ethical management.
The result of the process will be notified by phone or e-mail as soon as possible.
Informants personal information and the contents will be protected.
Reports must be made under one's real name.