PS Tec's Disclosures.
제출일자 공시제목 작성자
2024.08.23 Other Market Information (Abbreviated Company Name & Company Name in English)(영문상호) KOSDAQ STOCK MKT.
2024.07.25 Decision on Cash Dividend and Dividend in Kind(분기배당) PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2024.06.13 Closing date of stock book for Interim dividend PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2024.03.28 Outcomes of Annual Meeting of Shareholders PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2024.03.20 Submission of Audit Report PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2024.03.08 Resolutions for Convocation of General Meeting of Shareholders PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2024.03.05 30% or More Change in Sales or Profit/Loss(15% or more in the case of large-scale corporations) PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2023.12.18 Decision on Cash Dividend and Dividend in Kind PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2023.12.15 Decision to close the list of shareholders (reference date) for cash and in-kind dividends PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2023.05.09 [Revised]Decision on Entering into Trust Contract for Acquisition of Treasury Stock(연장결정) PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2023.03.28 Outcomes of Annual Meeting of Shareholders PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2023.03.23 Changes in Listing(주식소각) KOSDAQ STOCK MKT.
2023.03.20 Termination of Investment Precaution Issue(내부회계관리제도 비적정 사유 해소 등) KOSDAQ STOCK MKT.
2023.03.20 Change of Market Division KOSDAQ STOCK MKT.
2023.03.20 Submission of Audit Report PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2023.03.09 Resolutions for Convocation of General Meeting of Shareholders PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2023.02.27 30% or More Change in Sales or Profit/Loss(15% or more in the case of large-scale corporations) PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2023.02.21 Retirement of Stocks PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2023.02.15 Decision on Cash Dividend and Dividend in Kind PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2022.12.15 Decision to close the list of shareholders (reference date) for cash and in-kind dividends PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2022.11.08 [Revised]Decision on Entering into Trust Contract for Acquisition of Treasury Stock(연장결정) PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2022.10.31 [Revised]Decision on Entering into Trust Contract for Acquisition of Treasury Stock(연장결정) PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2022.05.09 [Revised]Decision on Entering into Trust Contract for Acquisition of Treasury Stock(연장결정) PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2022.04.29 [Revised]Decision on Entering into Trust Contract for Acquisition of Treasury Stock(연장결정) PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2022.03.31 Outcomes of Annual Meeting of Shareholders PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2022.03.29 Designation as Investment Precaution Issue(내부회계관리제도 비적정 등) KOSDAQ STOCK MKT.
2022.03.29 Submission of Audit Report PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2022.03.23 Other Management Information(Voluntary Disclosure)(감사보고서 제출 지연) PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2022.03.16 [Revised]30% or More Change in Sales or Profit/Loss(15% or more in the case of large-scale corporations) PS Tec. Co., Ltd.
2022.03.16 Decision on Cash Dividend and Dividend in Kind PS Tec. Co., Ltd.